state, small and medium-sized enterprises, regulation, financing, investment, security, socio-economic processesAbstract
The economic security of small and medium-sized enterprises is an important component of the economic security of the state and reflects the causal relationship between the military and economic potential and national security and economic power of the country. The goal of the article is to identify the problems in forming the economic security of small and medium-sized businesses within the framework of the country's economic security. It aims to develop guidelines for overcoming the complex socio-economic situation, shaping the economic security of Ukraine, and promoting the interests of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Ukraine needs a well-thought-out policy to ensure the security of economic activity both at the state level and at the level of small and medium-sized businesses. The number of small businesses in Ukraine has been steadily declining over 2015-2022, which is a dangerous trend. At the same time, this situation did not affect sales volumes, as the growth rate of sales by small and medium-sized enterprises in 2022 continues to grow. This is due to the following factors: increased domestic demand for goods and services produced by SMEs, financial support, tax breaks in 2022, and other measures, a decrease in the share of large industry, and an increase in the share of small and medium-sized businesses. The problems of forming the economic security of the state and the economic security of small and medium-sized businesses have been identified. Guidelines for overcoming the difficult socio-economic situation and shaping the economic security of Ukraine and small and medium-sized enterprises have been developed. In order to protect the economic interests of the state, a certain set of measures and mechanisms for representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises is needed, especially in the case of developing solutions. To strengthen economic security, it is necessary to apply a strategy of adaptation to constantly emerging threats, which is largely complicated by the lack of a comprehensive policy in this area and the weakness of public administration. The main priority of the authorities in ensuring the economic security of the state and small and medium-sized enterprises in the future should be to reform the system of state regulation of socio-economic processes, to create an effective environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine.
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