


corporate identity, uncertainty tolerance, organizational culture, strategic decision-making, cultural diversity, risk adaptation, innovation management, stakeholder trust


The identity of an enterprise, once overlooked by theorists, has gained significant attention across multiple disciplines, including management, sociology, and economics. In today’s dynamic business landscape, especially within cultures of high tolerance for uncertainty, corporate identity has emerged as a crucial element for success. Such cultures, characterized by flexibility, openness to change, and risk acceptance, require companies to establish a strong identity to navigate uncertainty and maintain coherence. Corporate identity integrates values, goals, culture, and operational methods, ensuring the company remains distinct and trustworthy amid constant change. This research aims to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of corporate identity as a distinct value in a culture with high tolerance for uncertainty, emphasizing its role in strategic decision-making and adaptability. The study is based on an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, utilizing general and specialized scientific research methods. These methods, including system analysis, theoretical generalization, and qualitative approaches, were employed to highlight challenges related to corporate identity and offer solutions. The research also incorporates perspectives from psychology, sociology, and management to analyze how identity functions in uncertain environments. The study highlights several factors contributing to the importance of corporate identity: cultural diversity, mission and values, image and reputation, organizational culture, management style, innovation capacity, and communication processes. It was found that companies with a well-defined identity are better equipped to manage risks, adapt to market changes, and build long-term relationships with stakeholders. A strong corporate identity enhances employee motivation, stakeholder trust, and the ability to innovate, thereby fostering a competitive edge in uncertain environments. The findings underscore the significance of corporate identity as a strategic asset in managing uncertainty. In today’s globalized, rapidly changing market, businesses must prioritize the development and maintenance of a clear, cohesive identity to ensure resilience and sustainability. Future research should focus on further exploring the role of corporate identity in different cultural contexts and its impact on long-term competitiveness and innovation.


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Author Biographies

Grzegorz Konieczny, WSHIU Akademia Nauk Stosowanych

Doctor of Social Science, Rector, WSHIU University, Poznan, Poland

Paulina Kolisnichenko, WSHIU Akademia Nauk Stosowanych

Ph.D. in Economics, Vice Rector for International Cooperation, WSHIU University, Poznan

Magdalena Górska, WSHIU Akademia Nauk Stosowanych

Founder of WSHIU University, Poznan

Tomasz Górski, WSHIU Akademia Nauk Stosowanych

Chancellor of WSHIU University, Poznan


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How to Cite

Konieczny, G., Kolisnichenko, P., Górska, M., & Górski, T. (2024). IDENTITY OF AN ENTERPRISE AS A DISTINCT VALUE IN A CULTURE OF HIGH TOLERANCE FOR UNCERTAINTY. Economics, Finance and Management Review, (3(19), 100–109.



Chapter 3. Modern management technologies