innovation, strategy, competition, competitiveness, adaptation, strategic management, turbulent environment, business entity, state economic securityAbstract
The study of the role and significance of innovations in the strategic management of business entities is especially relevant in the conditions of a full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, while an important task at all levels of management is not only ensuring the country's survival, but also ensuring its prosperity and accelerating the recovery of the economy in the post-war period. The purpose of the article is to develop a set of measures to increase the innovative development of economic entities in the context of implementing their strategic management in order to speed up the recovery of Ukraine's economy in the post-war period. The object of the study is the process of strategic management of innovations in the conditions of a full-scale war between russia and Ukraine. The methodological basis of the article is the use of general scientific and special methods that serve as confirmation of the reliability of the obtained results and conclusions: in particular, such as: analysis, synthesis, structural-logical, terminological, statistical analysis, system- structural analysis, systematization and generalization, etc. Innovations as an important tool for the strategic development of business entities and their management for the future in the context of their adaptation to the conditions of a turbulent environment was conducted for a full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine. It was determined that they are the main aspect and component of the process of ensuring the economic security of the state and its management, in particular in the context of balanced strategic management of economic entities. It is proposed as recommendations to use a binary approach to the activation of innovative activities of enterprises, which involves the use of a tolerant type of adaptation in combination with innovations, which are classified according to the type "by type" (product, technological, raw material, organizational, sales and infrastructural) in combination with typical procedures for the formation of innovation management strategies by economic entities within the framework of strategic management.
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