investments, investment management, investment policy, state, state economic securityAbstract
The study of the essence of investments and their management in the context of ensuring the economic security of the state is relevant in the conditions of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, at the same time, an important task of the state in the way of ensuring the upward trend of economic growth of Ukraine is to increase the level of its investment attractiveness, one of the main tools for ensuring which is implementation of investment management taking into account the experience of the leading countries of the world in the context of ensuring the economic security of the state.
The purpose of the article is to research and develop theoretical and practical approaches and characteristics of the concepts of "investment" and "economic security" in the context of investment management, taking into account the feasibility of increasing the level of economic security of the state in the conditions of recovery of the economy of Ukraine in the post-war period.
The object of the study is the process of investment management taking into account the security approach.
The methodological basis of the article is the use of general scientific and special methods that serve as confirmation of the reliability of the obtained results and conclusions: in particular, such as: monographic, logical, comparison, economic-statistical, synthesis, generalization, etc.
A study of the relationship between the categories "investment" (in the context of their management) and "economic security of the state" was conducted, and it was determined that investment management is an important factor affecting the level of economic security of the state. It was determined that in order to implement effective investment management, the state implements an investment policy that contributes to the creation of a positive investment climate in the country, which determines the expediency of conducting further research taking this into account in order to develop and implement a balanced investment policy adequate to modern conditions and implement an investment development strategy acceptable to Ukraine in order to restore the economy of Ukraine as soon as possible and ensure the upward trend of its growth.
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