sustainable development, social protection, social insurance, pension insurance, medical insurance, social welfareAbstract
The article reveals the meaning and relationship between the concepts of "social protection", "social insurance" and "sustainable development". It was determined that the main goals of implementing the concept of sustainable development in the social sphere are to improve the social well-being of citizens, ensure social justice and increase social security. It was established that the basic component of the social policy of the state is social protection and social security of the population, which on the one hand acts as a right of citizens, and on the other - as a socio-economic necessity. This dual nature of social protection is determined by socio-economic risks that continuously accompany the life activities of a person and society. The role of social insurance as an organizational and legal form of social security of the population, which creates conditions for the reproduction of the workforce and the protection of citizens in the event of certain insurance cases, is justified. working capacity; social insurance in connection with accidents at work and occupational diseases; social insurance in case of unemployment; pension insurance. It is substantiated that all types of social insurance have an impact on the quality of life of citizens and public welfare. The general directions and principles of the modernization of the social insurance system in Ukraine, taking into account the priorities of sustainable development, have been determined. The main problems on the way to improving the effectiveness of the functioning of the social insurance system of the population, such as the crisis of the pension system and the underdevelopment of medical insurance, are considered. It is substantiated that the solution of the mentioned problems lies in the plane of the economic and social policy of Ukraine and requires a comprehensive approach.
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