post-war reconstruction of the economy, financial mechanism, reform matrix, Ukraine Facility, international financial organizations, international partners, infrastructure damage, damage register, consensus forecast, “green” bonds, state financesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of modern financial mechanisms, which in the medium term can be effectively applied to rebuild the economy of Ukraine after the end of the war. The authors emphasize that the orthodox-innovative exposition of financial mechanisms represents a flexible and adaptive approach capable of effectively responding to current challenges, threats and needs of the country in the process of its reconstruction.The main focus of the article is on the study of such aspects as: outlines of the main challenges faced by the Ukrainian economy in the conditions of the war period, including the destruction of infrastructure, loss of production capacity and a decrease in the standard of living of the population; disclosure of traditional financial approaches, such as international loans and grants, that can be applied to the reconstruction of the economy; identification of modern innovative financial instruments, including “green” bonds, blockchain, crowdfunding and other financial instruments in order to provide additional sources of financing and increase trust on the part of international partners and donors; determining the role of international financial organizations, institutions and donors in the process of reconstruction of our state. An analysis of the assessment of the damage caused in Ukraine by the russian federation was carried out, which is based on the reports of the project “russia will pay” KSE Institute with the support of international partners and organizations and the report on the updated joint assessment of damages and needs that arose as a result of the invasion of the russian federation in Ukraine (Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment, RDNA3, developed by the Government together with the World Bank Group, the UN and the European Commission. The authors carried out a SWOT analysis, which made it possible to assess the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (risks) associated with the integration of orthodox and innovative financial mechanisms in the recovery process economy of Ukraine after the war. The article focuses on the Matrix of reforms – a huge plan of changes that systematizes and integrates reforms, includes officially approved recommendations and conditions under macro-financial support programs, in particular: “structural beacons” of the IMF, Plan of Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility program, documents of the European Commission, conditions of the World Bank (Development Policy Loan, DPL). Also, within the framework of the study, an analysis of the consensus forecast of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine “Ukraine: Scenarios of Restorative Growth” was carried out to provide and assess risks for 2024–2027.
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