agrarian-construction clusters, economic-natural reserve, rural areas, project, state support, rural renovation, state catalystAbstract
The article formulates the methodological principles, develops and tests the methods of evaluation, at the macro- and meso-economic levels, the appropriateness of state support for construction initiatives of enterprises of the agrarian-construction cluster based on ranking and biological classification of respective infrastructure projects, which –the methods – differ from the existing ones by involving an additional criterial plurality in terms of the location of its implementation the availability of the economic-natural reserve, an impact of natural-anthropogenic factors with subsequent ranking of criteria by strength in order to make the respective decision at the territorial community’s level. Moreover, a system of criteria includes both traditional (budgetary-financial and socio-economic) and ecological-infrastructural criteria, which are determinative in the algorithm of making a decision on state support of the implementation of village-saving projects by agrarian-construction clusters subject to the need for rural renovation and involving agricultural lands in a market model of their turnover. This has also allowed to extend an existing construct of catalyzation of mechanisms of state support (assistance) for agrarian-construction clusters, in general, and rural construction in the countryside, in particular, with national economic, social, food, construction and financial-budgetary priorities and capabilities of a specific rural territorial location incl. the same for further development of social dialogue institutions involving a public-private partnership.
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