unconditional basic income, social support, crisis, military aggression, food inflation, COVID-19 pandemicAbstract
The concept of an unconditional basic income through the prism of social standardization and provision of the most vulnerable segments of the population was explored in this article. The purpose of the article is to determine the need and possibility of introducing basic social income in Ukraine for the most vulnerable categories of the population, due to the new military reality. The study used general scientific methods, such as: cluster analysis – for clustering of countries in the pre-pandemic worldview; method of comparative analysis – to compare the features of the introduction of unconditional basic income in foreign countries; historiographical method – to study the history of formation and development of unconditional basic income. The historiography of the formation and progress of piloting the invariance of an unconditional basic income in foreign countries of the world is considered. It has been proved that the most majority of the indicated piloting and its experimental basis are based on the theory of adaptation and future intellectual and institutional development of the corresponding category of citizens or a specific individual, considering country specifics of mental self-improvement and increasing professional competencies. The current situation that is developing in Ukraine in the post-pandemic background, which has developed into a crisis associated with the war of Russia against Ukraine, is analyzed. A low level of mass payments during the pandemic period, its inertia, and the deepening of the socio-economic crisis, in fact, starting from the beginning of martial law, were established. In particular, the data on food inflation in Ukraine were analyzed as the root causes of the growth of world consumer prices, the likelihood of their projection on the national economy under martial law on the use of a system of assumptions, including on the future growth of food prices in Ukraine and net exporters of grain group of agricultural raw materials. It was made the assumption about the expediency of introducing the concept of an unconditional basic income in Ukraine for the most unprotected groups of the population, in particular, pensioners on a comprehensive basis based on a grouping of factors – accelerators.
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