enterprises of the tourism industry, economic security, anti-crisis management, risk, tools of anti-crisis management of a tourist enterpriseAbstract
Enterprises in the tourism industry quite often fall into crisis situations, as well as require the adoption of management decisions that negatively affect their economic security. The purpose of the article is to study the management of the system of economic security of economic entities enterprises of the tourism industry, as well as to determine the peculiarities of management decision-making in crisis conditions. The methodological basis of the conducted research was general scientific and specific research methods, namely: analysis and synthesis, visualization, systematization, logical presentation and generalization. The dynamism and change of factors affecting the functioning of enterprises, including the tourism industry, determine the expediency of forming the ability of the enterprise to respond promptly to various dangers, threats, risks of both the external and internal environment. The specified capacity of the enterprise should be provided by the economic security management system, in particular, taking into account anti-crisis management in it, which gives the enterprise additional advantages in the competitive struggle for achieving the strategic goal, the effectiveness of operational tasks. The level of economic security directly depends on the organizational and management model used by the top management of the enterprise. The modern business model of the enterprise must be able to predict the occurrence, implementation and impact of dangers, threats and risks, predicting the ability to neutralize catastrophic threats and eliminate material and non-material losses. The article proposes a general structural and logical scheme for making managerial decisions in the context of managing the economic security system in crisis conditions. The main tools of anti-crisis management of a tourist enterprise are systematized, namely: risk management in tourism; reengineering of business processes of a tourist enterprise; strategic management of a tourist enterprise; benchmarking in the context of anti-crisis management at a tourist enterprise; restructuring of the tourist enterprise; bankruptcy management (liquidation of the enterprise).
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