higher education, financing of higher education, educational crediting, higher education developmentAbstract
The article examines the issue of improving the system of financing higher education in Ukraine. The study has been conducted both on the basis of the experience of developed countries and taking into account the peculiarities for financing the educational environment in Ukraine. The main purpose of the study is to manage the financial support of higher education in order to achieve positive dynamics of its development to fully meet the needs of the population in quality and affordable education, as well as the needs of the business environment in qualified professionals. The article reveals the priorities for improving the higher education funding system, analyzes foreign experience in the distribution of financial resources between universities, identifies the main problems, risks and areas of education in Ukraine. The main measures aimed at overcoming the problems in higher education financing have been analyzed. In particular, the most relevant tools for developing partnerships between the state and business structures have been studied. It has been established that the use of foreign experience in diversifying sources of funding institutions of higher education is of a strategic nature and will contribute to the full satisfaction of the population’s needs in quality and affordable education, as well as the business environment needs in qualified professionals.
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