
  • Liudmyla Sumbaieva KROK University



rating of educational institutions, ranking methods, categories of higher education institutions, stages of classification, academic reputation, academic quality


Ukrainian education continues to take a way of reforms that covers all its levels, and on this way we are approaching the stage of improving the national ranking system of higher educational institutions and creating a ranking methodology for those types of educational institutions that are not currently covered by it. This is especially important today when the issues of financing the educational system are under recononsideration. This implies primarily to higher educational institutions, which must prove their need for existence in order to ensure the labor market, competitiveness and efficiency. As the global practice shows, ranking is a strong indicator of the future forecast for an educational institution as those institutions, that take a serious approach to it and the place they take in those ratings, do not consider consolidated lists merely as a PR tool, but systematically evaluate how they meet the modern requirements, analyze the factors that affect the rating, improve the level of academic quality and academic reputation, have all the opportunities for stable economic development, which gives them the opportunity to confidently look into the future.

In our view, research, analysis and, in the long term, the introduction of elements of world experience are important for improving the national rating system. The objective of our article is to study the rating experience in the United States based on the ranking system example of U.S. News and World Report "America's Best Colleges." This system has a time-tested methodology that is being constantly updated to respond to changes in the society, the needs of the economy and the labor market. The article analyzes and summarizes the main approaches of the methodology and the latest data released on October 15, 2019. The study is of practical importance, since the results of the systematization of the basic methodology principles of the U.S. news regarding rating of higher educational institutions rating may be effectively used in national practice.


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Author Biography

Liudmyla Sumbaieva, KROK University

«KROK» University, Kiev, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Sumbaieva, L. (2020). SCHOOL RANKINGS: THE US EXPERIENCE AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR UKRAINE. Economics, Finance and Management Review, (1), 86–92.



Chapter 3. Modern management technologies