analysis, cash, cash calculations, control, accounting, enterpriseAbstract
In the article, the authors substantiate the expediency of further research into the meaning of money and calculations in the activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership. The views of scientists regarding the definition of the concept of "money" are summarized. The main tasks of accounting, control, analysis of money are specified. Proposals have been made to increase the effectiveness of the control and analytical process in relation to the cash settlement operations carried out in order to promptly prevent violations in the settlement and payment discipline. The purpose of writing this article is to determine the actual issues of accounting, control, analysis of funds in the cash register and directions for their solution. The research used a complex of general scientific methods and techniques of cognition: theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis, classifications. Grouping and comparison methods were used to determine the essence of money as an object, control and analysis. The methods of concretization and abstraction were used to single out the features inherent in money. The dialectical method, induction, and abstraction became the basis for proposals for improving the control of transactions with money in the process of financial and economic activity of the business entity. The achievements of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of accounting, control and analysis of economic operations are the theoretical and methodological basis of the research. In the research process, general scientific methods and techniques of cognition were used: theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis, classifications. Grouping and comparison methods were used to determine the essence of money as an object, control and analysis. The methods of concretization and abstraction were used to single out the features inherent in money. The dialectical method, induction, and abstraction became the basis for proposals for improving the control of transactions with money in the process of financial and economic activity of the business entity.
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