management, strategic management, financial and economic security, war, digitalization, Industry 4.0, BANI worldAbstract
The possibilities of the real and potential influence of war, BANI World, Industry 4.0 and digitalization on the processes of strategic management of the financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects have been clarified. Economic security is defined as such a state of protection of corporate resources and business processes of the business entity from negative impact on their functionality, which makes it possible to use the possibilities of their multiplication and effective use to satisfy the interests of various categories of stakeholders and achieve the strategic goals of the business without the threat of its bankruptcy and liquidation. Management challenges for the strategic restoration of the financial and economic security of the critical infrastructure in the realities of the influence of BANI World, Industry 4.0 and digitalization are summarized. Among them are such as the management of the reconstruction of damaged property, of personnel, of partnership relations, of production and business processes, of intellectual capital, of information resources, of competitiveness and business reputation, of level of financial and economic security. Directions for using digitalization opportunities to restore the state of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure facilities are proposed. The main areas where digitalization processes most affect the level of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects are highlighted, such as the financial sector, information space, economic relations, educational environment, production processes, administration and communications. The possibility of obtaining such main positive effects from digitalization as the absence of the need to search and store cash, increasing the speed and efficiency of calculations, the possibility of using information from various alternative sources, its verification and updating, providing timely reminders about the need for calculations, purchases has been established; increasing personnel and intellectual potential; increasing the level of safety of employees due to the absence of the need for their personal presence at the workplace; speeding up the communication process.
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