economic security, investment and construction activity, risks, construction enterprises, national economy, monitoring, point evaluations, Fishburn weight formulaAbstract
Ukraine is trying with all its might not to sink under the weight of the war. In the event of hostilities, the construction industry, like other sectors of the economy, found itself in a difficult situation, on the verge of collapse. Nevertheless, the Ukrainians could not be defeated, and most of the Developers resumed construction on the spot. The article is devoted to the topic of ensuring the economic security of Customers and Contractors of the construction industry of Ukraine while eliminating the consequences of armed aggression, which reveals the global problem of restoring the wartime housing stock. The article presents the mechanism of movement of financial flows, which should also be taken into account during the post-war recovery. Previously existing methods were analyzed. Examples of current documents regarding the determination of issues of economic security of construction enterprises are given, in which various methods and tasks are applied. An approach for improving methodical support for economic security monitoring is proposed. Economic security in Ukraine is one of the most prioritized functional areas of security. This is the state of protection of the country's national economy from external and internal threats, which ensures the country's economic sovereignty, the unity of its economic space, and the conditions for the implementation of Ukraine's strategic national priorities. The construction sector occupies one of the leading places in the country's economy. It is a multifaceted and multifunctional structure. Any changes that occur in any of the interrelated sectors of the economy lead to a reaction from the market, which undoubtedly affects the construction sector. One of the main features of the modern industrial and construction sector is the ability to work in the face of threats to economic security. One of the main tasks facing the economy of Ukraine and requiring serious consideration is the implementation of measures aimed at stabilizing the work of construction enterprises, including design enterprises. A competently built system of ensuring economic security with the use of existing or built corporate resources is able to create the necessary conditions for achieving business goals and maximizing profits. It is not yet known how all the processes will proceed in the conditions of military and post-war conditions. Economic factors in the construction industry are regularly reviewed. And these questions remain unresolved and relevant to this day.
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