personnel security, economic security, institution of higher education, pedagogical management, functions of pedagogical managementAbstract
Modernization and reform of the Ukrainian education system requires a change in approaches to the management of educational institutions, ie the application of the concept of pedagogical management. The main productive force of the educational organization is the scientific and pedagogical staff, which provides quality services for the training of young professionals and creates intellectual products of scientific and technical creativity, and for this it must be effectively managed. In the conditions of market relations there are certain threats in the personnel management system of the educational institution: loss of results of scientific and technical developments, conflicts of personnel, mistakes in the performance of professional duties, corruption, theft. The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of personnel security of higher education and characterize the management function of the educational organization. The security of the higher educational institution is characterized, which is a set of organizational and managerial measures aimed at creating comfortable and safe conditions for the implementation of educational and scientific activities by participants in the educational process. It is established that the financial and economic security of the educational organization is a system of effective tools of managerial influence on the teaching staff, aimed at the effective use of scientific, material, financial resources to ensure the quality of educational services. It is proved that personnel security of a higher education institution is the creation of a system of measures to counteract the negative threats of the educational environment, using administrative, organizational, socio-psychological management methods to protect the labor interests of research and teaching staff and promote creative activity. The article identifies and characterizes the practical application of the functions of pedagogical management of higher education: management decisions, planning, organization, motivation, control, coordination and regulation.
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