Bauchi metropolis, Employee, Human Capital Management, Organization, Value addedAbstract
The study was carried out in Bauchi metropolis of Bauchi state (Nigeria) to evaluate the effective role of human capital management towards organizational value added of some selected organizations in Bauchi metropolis. The research assessed some selected staffs of five (5) different organizations drawn from both public and private sectors to examine how their employees are systematically selected, retained and maintained at their best. The study also aimed at determining the human capital measurement approach by those organizations to get the workers working as money alone cannot deliver the organizational goal. The research been an empirical study was conducted using structured questionnaire distributed to Staffs of some selected organizations in the metropolis. The sampling method adopted for the study was stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used for data analysis was using SPSS Pearson Product Correlation Method to test the hypothesis. A total number of 55 questionnaires were returned and considered out of the 60 that was distributed. This paper believed that the human capital management should be designed, implemented and assessed by how well it help organization achieved its strategic results and pursue its mission. It’s the overall recommendation of this paper that the long-term survival and sustainability of the organization in the fast moving world is guaranteed with investment in resources that can have different effects on human behaviors with the need to work effectively and how people pursue goals in a fast changing and multifaceted environment most affected by modernity and globalization.
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