development, changes, sustainable development, unsustainable development, financial instability, bankruptcy, liquidation, risk, maximum permissible risk, risk managementAbstract
The development is impossible without ups and downs, as a result the stability is disrupted. It is hypothesized that development cannot occur continuously, and therefore it does not exclude the possibility of unstable states. The enterprise unsustainable development is characterized by its financial failure, which is identified with its bankruptcy. At the same time, bankruptcy and liquidation of enterprises in Ukraine is currently a fairly common phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to systematize the methods of financial risk management of enterprises as an ingredient prevention of their financial instability and bankruptcy for achieving sustainable development. A set of general scientific and special research methods were used to solve the set tasks, in particular: generalization and comparison - to establish similarities and differences between the results of research by other authors regarding their understanding of the essence of the categories "development", "sustainable development" and "risk"; grouping of indicators - to operate with information of the kinds and types of risks existing in the scientific literature and to operate with statistical data of the initiated bankruptcy procedures number of legal entities in Ukraine; mathematical - to develop a model for determining the maximum allowable value of lost cash flow of the enterprise, graphic - to visualize the presentation of information, etc. It is substantiated that the prevention of bankruptcy of enterprises is a tool for the sustainable development ensuring. An economic and legal tool is the plan of sustainable development of the enterprise that helps to solve the problem. Its component should be an economic analysis of the company's financial condition. At the same time, any enterprise carries risks related with its business activities. Scientists mostly recommend to use the minimum cost criterion for measures to reduce risk to its acceptable level as the main criterion for risk management. However, the question arises: what risk is considered to be acceptable? For the determination it is advisable to model the movement of the company's cash flows and to identify the limits that lead to unacceptable results for the company, For example, that can lead to the deterioration of the company's financial condition as well as to its bankruptcy and even liquidation. It is taken into account that the economic activity of the enterprise can take place both under normal operating conditions and burdened by certain extraordinary events. The method of determining the maximum permissible risks for enterprises of two groups is substantiated: for the ones, which violation of the bankruptcy procedure in general is possible; for the ones, which violation of the bankruptcy procedure is unlikely. The events that determine the risks during the export of products are considered.
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