economic security, formation of economic security, provision, measures, parameters, processesAbstract
Military operations, the crisis in the country's economy, and other factors have negatively affected the economic security of all business entities in Ukraine and the country as a whole. This state of affairs requires a modernized approach to the formation of economic security. The purpose of the article is to develop a conceptual model of economic security formation and to distinguish the place of the security process in this model. The study applies general scientific theoretical methods – generalization, explanation, grouping – to analyzing economists’ and practitioners’ ideas about the object of the research and formulating conclusions of content analysis of primary sources, analysis and synthesis – to substan-tiating a new scientific approach to ensuring economic security. Based on a critical review of professional sources, the article differentiates three approaches to the formation of economic security. It is shown that the author adheres to the approach according to which the formation and ensuring of economic security are not identical. A three-component model of economic security formation is developed. The elements of the model are the decomposition of economic security, its provision and the creation of a special security unit. It is shown that at the country level such a unit should be included in the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine. An integrated approach to ensuring economic security has been improved. It is based on bringing the current parameters of the enterprise's activity into line with the future parameters of the internal and external environment. This takes into account three groups of processes: resource provision, interaction with stakeholders and value added. Each group of processes is contrasted with appropriate means of influence and security actions, which together help to ensure that the current parameters of activity are consistent with the forecasted changes in the environment. The peculiarity of this approach is its versatility: the possibility of using it to ensure the economic security of an individual business entity and the economic security of the State.
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