hybrid war, security, defense, system, logistical support, purpose of logistical support, principles of logistical support, systematization of types of logistical support, structuring of components of logistical supportAbstract
In this article, modern theoretical and methodological principles have been formed regarding the essence, place and role of logistical support in the sphere of security and defense of the state in the conditions of a hybrid war in the field of regional tourism. The current state of the normative legal framework of state regulation and the state of scientific research regarding the purpose, principles of formation and approaches to the systematization and structuring of the components of logistics support and the assessment of its quality and effectiveness are determined. It was established that certain provisions of regulatory documents regulating these processes are outdated and do not meet the requirements of the times. The authors of the work identified the main alternative approaches to the formation of the basic principles of the formation of logistical support for the purposes of national security of the state and its regions. The composition of the specified principles was clarified based on the specific conditions for the implementation of logistical tasks both in the field of military logistics and the logistics of crisis situations typical for the conditions of conducting a hybrid war. As a result of the analysis of the mentioned approaches, it is proposed to supplement the existing complex with such macroeconomic principles as: the principle of partnership and multilateral cooperation, the anticipatory principle of collective defense, and at the level of individual tasks, the list of existing principles is supplemented with the principle of logistics optimization and outsourcing. The modern understanding of the "logistics support" category based on a systemic approach has been clarified. It was established that logistics support is, firstly, a complex of multifunctional means and tools, secondly, it is hierarchical in its structure, thirdly, the set of its components is determined by a list of specific tasks both within individual functions and in the whole set of tasks of complex (force and other) operations. An analysis of existing approaches to the systematization and structuring of logistics support components was carried out. Deficiencies in the structuring of the components of the logistics environment in the professional publications of individual scientists have been identified. On the basis of a critical analysis of current publications, an author's decomposition of the components of logistical support for solving security and defense tasks in the conditions of hybrid warfare was formed and their content was revealed. It was established that within the framework of the system approach, logistics support is a complex of interconnected links and components connected to each other in a single process of implementing tasks aimed at achieving internal and external security and defense goals. It is substantiated that the main components of this system are normative-legal, informational, organizational-economic, infrastructural, production-technological and medical. It has been proven that logistics support formed on the basis of analysis and consideration of environmental factors enables the realization of security and defense goals by integrating functional, management and support functions, and within them, processes and operations.
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