



innovations, innovative development, economic security of the enterprise, e-economy


In modern conditions, ensuring economic security requires innovative approaches, one of which is the digitalization of all business processes of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of innovative development and determine its role in ensuring the economic security of enterprises. Methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of comparative analysis and method of systematization were used for the research. The main results of the study are the systematization of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "economic security of enterprises". The main threats in the innovative activity of enterprises are systematized: the first group should include threats that arise in the process of ensuring innovation, and the second group - is the threats that may arise in the process of organizing innovation. The main factors that negatively affect the safety of Ukrainian enterprises are systematized. It is proposed to use innovative tools to ensure the economic security of enterprises.


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Author Biography

Oleksander Pravdyvets, KROK University

Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial and Economic Security of the Research and Training Institute, KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Pravdyvets, O. (2021). OPPORTUNITIES TO USE INNOVATIONS TO ENSURE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economics, Finance and Management Review, (4), 83–89. https://doi.org/10.36690/2674-5208-2021-4-83



Chapter 3. Modern management technologies