investments, venture capital investments, state regulation of venture investment, innovation activitiesAbstract
The article discusses practical aspects of the introduction of venture financing tools for the innovative development of industry. It was found that the introduction of a venture funding mechanism in the country in order to finance innovation activities, innovative development of industry requires the use of a set of tools for state regulation of venture investment: institutional regulatory and legal regulation of venture activities, organizational support for venture activities and state stimulation of venture financing development. The main groups of venture financing tools for innovative industry development have been systematized. It is determined that the first group of instruments are the instruments of institutional legal regulation of venture activities. The second group of instruments of state regulation of venture activity is organizational support tools and the third group of instruments is a group of tools aimed at activating and accelerating the introduction of venture investment through the introduction of financial incentives for venture investment. It is determined that an important tool for state regulation of innovations of industrial enterprises is the improvement of tax, customs and depreciation policy. The article proved that the introduction of venture financing in investment support for the implementation of innovative projects for the modernization and development of industry in Ukraine requires the use of modern effective tools for state regulation of venture investment that would provide the possibility of practical implementation of the institutional organizational mechanism of state regulation of venture investment in innovative industry development.
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