marketing, marketing tools, subjects of tourism entrepreneurship, competitivenessAbstract
The processes of reforms in various sectors of the economy are taking place in the conditions of the economic crisis, and tourist enterprises are no exception. The development of the domestic tourism market and raising the level of competitiveness of tourist business entities are relevant tasks in the strategic perspective. Competitive advantages are formed on the basis of effective use of all types of resources available to it. The influence of marketing factors on the process of formation of competitive advantages of tourist business entities is the most important factor in its further effective development. Competitiveness in modern market conditions is considered from the point of view of consumers, so marketing activity is an important stage in increasing their competitiveness. It is in the problem of marketing an analysis of the market situation, the definition of a competitive position and the development of recommendations for improving the competitiveness of tourist business entities. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and practical mechanisms for increasing the competitiveness of tourist business entities and the definition of marketing factors for its formation. Against this background and taking into account the features of the transformation of the Ukrainian economy it is necessary to study the possibility of adapted use of marketing tools for ensuring the competitiveness of tourist business entities. The article examines the characteristic features of agricultural enterprises; The mission of tourist business entities and the basic principles of management were summarized; The peculiarities of the formation of a strategy for the development of tourist business entities based on marketing are substantiated; It is proved that in practical marketing, the abstract value of the market is not used; The necessity is substantiated separately consider in the structure of the tourist market on its scale small, medium and large markets; Proposals are submitted to the introduction of fixed means of communication policy in the activities of tourist business entities.
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