outsourcing, evolutionary constraints, institutional constraints, institutions, institutional support, information economy, formal normsAbstract
The article analyzes the institutional and evolutionary constraints of outsourcing development and substantiates the directions for institutional regulation of outsourcing activities in the national economy. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the study of institutional constraints on the development of outsourcing under the conditions of the information economy formation. The article states that the development of the domestic market of outsourcing and related services lags behind European practice, which imposes additional evolutionary constraints and requires the creation of favorable conditions to ensure the economic efficiency of outsourcing activities and the appropriate quality of services. The article determines the key principles of outsourcing activities. The article proves that outsourcing can be regarded as one of the organizational innovations, as this involves the formation of new economic and legal relationships between economic entities, as well as the usage of special management technologies. The article establishes the existence of institutional and evolutionary constraints for the development of outsourcing in the national economy. Lack of stability in the functioning of institutions and institutions of the basic level, limited credit and investment resources did not contribute to the implementation of outsourcing and overall innovative development of the national economy. The evolutionary limitations of outsourcing are related to the ontology of the process, technological backwardness, the significant impact of the shadow segment of the economy, the crisis in it. Institutional constraints were formed due to the inefficiency of basic institutions of the economy, unregulated legislation, lack of favorable fiscal and credit regulation, the presence of institutional dysfunctions. The article emphasizes that the institutional support of outsourcing requires the regulation of legal, economic, organizational, informational norms. It is significant to ensure a clear delineation of contractual relations and responsibilities of the parties, conditions, and legal aspects of information protection; definition and achievement of criteria of economic efficiency; introduction of fiscal and credit incentives for its implementation. Theoretical and methodological provisions deepen the practical principles of institutional support for the new forms of outsourcing relations development in the national economy.
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