Consulting engineer, time rate, cost of services, inspection of technical conditionAbstract
In 2017, a new profession with the code KP-2142.2 – Consulting Engineer (Construction) was officially approved in Ukraine. Construction customers additionally include in the construction cost up to 3% the cost of the services of a consulting engineer. The Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine has approved an approximate form of contract for the provision of consulting engineer services. In world practice, there are three main methods of calculating the cost of engineering services in construction: hourly rate, interest fee, one-time fee. Each organization must choose for itself a convenient principle of calculating the cost of services of a consulting engineer as a business entity for different types of services. One of the types of engineering services in construction is a survey of the technical condition and operational suitability of buildings and structures. Existing regulations do not fully take into account the needs of the industry, in particular do not contain rules for the inspection of technical condition of structures: tunnels, subways, collectors, railways, ports, dams, canals, etc.
In market conditions, serious difficulties that prevent the effective use of scientific developments, in terms of improving the operational reliability of buildings and structures, is the lack of regulatory framework for determining the cost of such works.
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