environment, ecospace, landscape design, roof constructions, energy saving, water saving, real estate, urban farming, ecological safety, economic responsibilityAbstract
One of the rational ways to solve the problem of environmental pollution and energy savings is landscaping roofs. Their creation is becoming an increasingly popular element of ecological construction. The purpose of this article is to study the state of landscaping of roofs of buildings in the city of Lviv to identify environmental and economic problems and develop incentives to combat themTo achieve the goal of the study, a comprehensive approach was used, which includes the generalization and analysis of information, current regulations and experience in installing "green" roofs. While disclosing the content of the "green roof", a logical method was used. Methods of system analysis were used to identify structural links between landscaping roofs and solving environmental and economic problems; comparative analysis allowed to compare phenomena in order to establish similarities or differences between them. The article highlights the essence of the concept of "green" roof. Features of extensive type of roof landscaping and its ecological and economic problems are given. The calculation of the reduction of surface wastewater volume during the installation of green roofs at PJSC "Lvivsilmash Plant" was made and recommendations for their proper functioning were formed. Incentive measures to overcome environmental and economic problems of living roofs have been developed. Urban farming is proposed as a new element of ecological and economic policy of Lviv. Conclusions. The use of landscaping of roofs in both industrial zones and residential areas makes it possible to create a comfortable environment close to natural conditions, increases the recreational and aesthetic attractiveness of the urban environment and improves its economic performance.
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