price, aerated concrete, market, region, oligopoly, import, demand, supply, market balance, cluster, cluster analysisAbstract
One of the key priorities of the construction industry is well-balanced provision of the country’s regions with modern building and construction materials. That is why the research of the balance between supply and demand in the regional markets of Ukraine is extremely important. The object of this study is the aerated concrete market of Ukraine. The purpose of the work is to carry out a cluster analysis of regional aerated concrete markets of Ukraine in terms of price level and supply level. The article examines the situation in regional markets for aerated concrete as one of the leading wall materials, resulting in specifying regional trends in prices for this wall material, as well as proves the need for state regulation of its prices in a particular region in order to increase construction and reduce disparities in prices. The paper identifies the degree of monopoly of the aerated concrete market of Ukraine in the conditions of oligopoly. The author considers the location of aerated concrete enterprises in Ukraine and identifies the directions and scopes of distribution of their products based on such data as sales volume and regional sales structure of each manufacturer. The study analyzes the supply of aerated concrete in each region and evaluates the proportion of its distribution on the territory of Ukraine in accordance with such factors as the area of the region, its population and the size of regional GDP. As a result, it is found out that in some regions there are disparities between supply and demand. However, in most regions of Ukraine the aerated concrete market is balanced.
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