youth, socio-demographic group, young people, youth work, work with young peopleAbstract
The article highlights various aspects of the definition of «youth», «youth work»; the main tasks of youth work are presented; analyzed a number of literary sources according to which it was determined that young people are the bearers of great intellectual potential, new and modern knowledge that they carry in all spheres of public life. In accordance with the purpose of the article – the analysis is carried out and the basic concepts of research «youth» and «youth work» are covered. The research used such methods as analysis, comparison and generalization of literature sources on the researched problem. International sources state that «young people are active participants in the life of society or organizations, partners with great potential, full of strength and talent; youth – the age category of the population of the state, which is directly aimed at by youth policy. The age range for young people in Ukraine is 14–35 years, in the Council of Europe and the European Union they are defined as 13–30 years old». In the period from 2015–2019, four studies of the values of modern youth in Ukraine were conducted and summarized in the following areas: youth values, effectiveness of youth policy (youth assessment); civic and political activity of youth; participation and role of youth in the processes of state reform; training, education; mobility and migration guidelines for young people; family and family values of young people. Theoretical analysis of various literary, normative, international sources states the fact that the concepts of «youth» and «youth work» as defined by all authors, scientists, politicians have something in common and all have their differences. Each of the above definitions has a right to exist. Youth is a socio-demographic group of society experiencing a period of social maturity, adaptation to the world of adults and future changes, which constantly replenishes politically and economically active population.
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