educational space of Ukraine, higher education, professional training, information and digital competence, professional culture, future education specialistsAbstract
Increasing the influence of the humanities and digital technology on the education of the individual, of course, changes the system and makes a direct contribution to the formation of a new model of education, led by the problem of forming the creative personality of the future specialist and his professional culture. This leads to a new view of the essence and structure of the professional culture of the specialist, the requirements imposed on him by society, the requirements he puts forward to himself, which leads to the transformation of «education» in the «professional culture» of the specialist. A special role in this formation belongs to higher education institutions. That is why the professional training of education specialists, first of all, should provide for the formation of their readiness to develop also information and digital competence of students. The general hypothesis of the study is that the preparation of future education specialists for the development of information and digital competence of students in NUS becomes effective if it is based on sound theoretical and practical principles that reveal the readiness of future education specialists to develop information and digital competence of students taking into account the developed concept and the corresponding organizational and methodical support. The main theoretical foundations of the formation of information and digital competence of future education specialistsas a component of their professional culture can be called the following: multilevel structure of the process of professional training; gradual complication of educational and developmental tasks; constant improvement and self-development of the future specialist; maintaining an individual approach in training; a combination of competency approach and executive universality; high level of creativity in the educational process; in-depth training in the field of the latest digital technologies.
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