interethnic tolerance, students of non-philological education, foreign language lessons, model of the process of formation of interethnic toleranceAbstract
The article discusses the problem of forming interethnic tolerance in students. The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of the development of intertechnical tolerance in students in foreign language lessons. The research methodology includes comparative analysis of scientific works of scientists, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis and systematization for grouping stages of formation of interethnic tolerance, setting goals and objectives for forming this personal quality at each stage, and methods of forming interethnic tolerance in students through design model. The sequence of development of the model of formation of interethnic tolerance in students of non-philological education of higher educational institution is shown. The stages of formation of interethnic tolerance, the goals and objectives of the formation of this personal quality at each stage, as well as the methods of formation of interethnic tolerance in students through the design model are highlighted.
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