pedagogical conditions, upbringing, values to wildlife, middle school studentsAbstract
The article considers the pedagogical conditions of education of middle school students in the value attitude to wildlife, different approaches of scientists to the definition of this term. The specifics and essences of the concepts "condition" and "pedagogical condition" of the formation of this neoplasm are determined. The own definition of pedagogical conditions of education of the value relation to the living nature of pupils of middle school age is formed. Using the mathematical and statistical analysis of the method of expert evaluation, the pedagogical conditions of our study were experimentally established. It is substantiated that the education of ecological culture in middle school students and its such a separate component as a value attitude to wildlife should be carried out based on modern methodological approaches, which we have identified on the basis of expert assessment. It is noted that the level of ecological culture is to improve human qualities. It is indicated that pedagogical science is the main tool for influencing human consciousness. There are some differences in the results of expert evaluation of teachers in connection with the age and gender characteristics of students.
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