future technicians-technologists, college, training of motor transport specialists, industrial practice, research workAbstract
The article considers the question of ways to improve the quality of training of future technicians-technologists of motor transport in colleges. Considerable attention is paid to the periods of such training: introductory, preparatory, mastering the profession, improving the basics of professional skills and specialization of future professionals. Labor practice is defined as a way to improve the quality of professional training. In the process of labor practice, students acquire professional skills and abilities: the use of rolling stock and its profitability; development of technological instructions; to carry out work to ensure labor protection; execution of drawings of assembly units and details; use of professionally profiled knowledge; practical skills of accident-free driving and maintenance of the vehicle; formation of personal qualities of a professional; analysis of own professional activity. Another way of training is to participate in research work. Research work of students within the curriculum is mandatory and includes: writing scientific papers on a specific topic and professionally-oriented, special disciplines, specialization courses and electives; performance of laboratory, practical, seminar and independent tasks; control works containing elements of problem search; performing atypical research tasks. The following methods were used to study the conditions for the formation of professional competence of technicians-technologists: theoretical – synthesis, analysis, generalization; empirical – observations, interviews, questionnaires, testing, interviews, surveys. Research work of students in extracurricular time involves: participation in the work of subject research groups; problem groups, sections, laboratories; participation in state budget or self-supporting scientific works. One of the basic links of formation of the expert is his participation in scientific conferences.
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