educational space of Ukraine, pedagogical innovations, higher education, innovative education, professional trainingAbstract
Innovative education is the development and expansion of quality education, a vital way to develop the creativity, abilities and talents of high quality students. This should be a key point in the organization of higher education in Ukraine. The introduction of innovative technologies allows to conduct the educational process and develop the system of higher education at a qualitatively new level. Thus, innovative activity in the educational process is aimed at transforming existing forms and methods of teaching and education, creating new goals and means of its implementation, so it is one of the types of productive, creative activities of people. Definitions of the general context of the study of vocational training are organized into the following categories of concepts: «innovative development», «innovation», «innovation process», «innovation», «innovation», «innovation», «intellectualization», «innovation», «innovations», «innovation process». Professional training of future specialists in free economic education should be perceived as a process of forming the readiness of future specialists for professional activity and is a prerequisite for achieving their high competitiveness in the labor market, should cover not only traditional areas but also new substructures, including innovation. Scientists see the essence of the application of innovations in the implementation of new ideas, changes brought to the stage of practical use, and consider them as activities that stimulate the progressive development of the information component through semantic, structural and organizational renewal and technological modernization of all processes. Today the educational space of Ukraine is actively filled with pedagogical innovations. As a result, the higher education system faces the challenge of transitioning to active learning using innovative tools or technologies. The new paradigm of education development necessitates appropriate changes in the professional training of future specialists in higher education.
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