


professional training of the teacher, concept, conceptual foundations, future mathematics and computer science teachers, virtual clarity means, professional activity of the teacher


In the article, the authors touch on the problem of professional training of teachers of mathematics and computer science in the context of the development of digital technologies and the demand of society for visual support of training. The generalization of scientific and pedagogical research on the training of teachers of mathematics and informatics is presented. The conceptual contradictions of the educational sector, which are proposed to be resolved through the implementation of the author's concept of preparing future teachers of mathematics and computer science for the use of virtual clarity in professional activities, are singled out. Based on the results of the analysis and systematization of scientific sources and own experience of teaching, the requirements for the training of teachers of mathematics and computer science were clarified, taking into account the requests of stakeholders for the effective implementation of professional pedagogical activity. The leading ideas of the concept of professional training of future teachers of mathematics and computer science for the use of virtual clarity in professional activities are revealed. The implementation of the concept is described on the methodological (the provisions of philosophy regarding the development, self-realization, self-improvement of the individual and the unity of the theory and practice of conscious human activity as a subject of cognitive activity, as well as systemic, acmeological, cognitive-visual, synergistic, reflexive-activity, BYOD-approach, made-self-approach), theoretical (based on the formation of teachers' readiness to use virtual clarity as a complex personal education) and practical (characterizes the practical aspects of the implementation of the concept) levels. It is expected that the developed concept will determine the fundamental positions of designing a pedagogical system of professional training of future teachers of mathematics and computer science for the use of virtual clarity tools in professional activities at the level of higher education institutions.


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Author Biographies

Pavlo Mulesa, Uzhhorod National University

PhD (Technical sciences), associate professor, Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Roman Momot, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University

Postgraduate student, Department of Computer Sciences, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine

Olena Semenikhina, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University

Dr.S (Pedagogical Sciences), professor, Department of Computer Sciences, Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Mulesa, P., Momot, R., & Semenikhina, O. (2022). CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS FOR PREPARING MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE TEACHERS FOR THE USE OF VIRTUAL CLARITY MEANS . Pedagogy and Education Management Review, (4), 13–23.

