future teachers of physical culture, sports-pedagogical activity, differentiated approach, pedagogical conditions, modern technologies, , forms and methods of educationAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the training of future teachers of physical culture based on the principles of a differentiated approach. The determination of the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the training of future teachers of physical culture based on a differentiated approach was chosen as the aim of the research. Analysis, synthesis and modeling methods were used to study the state of research. The results of our research was carried out with the help of empirical methods: pedagogical observation, questionnaires, interviews, testing, the method of experimental evaluations. Mathematical statistics methods were used to process the research results. Factors influencing such a process have been determined, among which a significant role is assigned to pedagogical conditions. An analysis of various pedagogical conditions was carried out, among which the following were selected and adapted to the subject of the study: ensuring students' motivation for classes by using a differentiated approach in classes on preparation for sports and pedagogical activities; improvement of the content of sports and pedagogical activities based on the principle of a differentiated approach; the use of modern information technologies for the implementation of a differentiated approach in training classes for sports and pedagogical activities; the use of interactive forms and methods of learning in the educational process, which allow a wider application of a differentiated approach in preparation for sports and pedagogical activities. Each pedagogical condition was implemented in lectures and practical classes. The effectiveness of the components of the training of future physical culture teachers (motivational, activity and content) has been proven. Those components are consistent with the selected pedagogical conditions. In order for students to master the practical material, training, general development and exercises on devices were differentiated. Differentiated tests have been developed to determine the readiness of future teachers for sports and professional activities. An electronic course was developed, for which the SunRav BookOffice program was used.
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