competence, digital competence, professional training, IR-competence, computer information technologyAbstract
An important task of education in the XXI century is the formation of digital competence of the teacher of the institution of higher education, directly due to the rapid development of an information oriented society. Teacher for successful professional educational activities It is necessary to master the latest computer information technology. Free possession of them provides a high level of professional culture of the teacher of the institution of higher education, makes it possible to apply them for a full-time or remote day or absentee educational process. The article proposes the following definition of the concept of «digital competence»: the component of the professional culture of the teacher, based on personal abilities and acquired in the process of professional development of skills and skills aimed at the effective and high-quality organization of the educational process with the free and competent use of innovative computer, mobile and telecommunication technologies To prepare specialists in accordance with the requirements of digital society. Also identified the leading place of digital competence in the professional culture of the teacher and its components. Significant work on the creation of framework documents in the field of education and employment is carried out by international organizations, including the European Research Center of the European Commission, which organized the Working Group, developed and presented a framework for a citizen's digital competence. In the process of continuing this design, a frame of digital competence for teachers is presented. She identified the main forms and methods of developing the digital competence of the teacher and applicants for higher educational institutions, as well as the principles of creating a digital educational environment in such establishments. Frame of digital competence for society and the Digital Competence Frame for teachers use most European countries to view and create appropriate training programs, continuously improve the digital competence of teachers and supporting employment opportunities for future specialists.
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