


future specialists, culture, components of culture, ecological culture, ecological education, functions of ecological education, principles of ecological education


The article considers the issue of formation of ecological culture of future specialists in the process of study in higher education institutions. The urgency of the problem at the present stage of development of society is considered. The problem of greening of education is especially acute today, when hostilities are taking place in Ukraine, the infrastructure of industrial centers is being bombed, chemical industries are being destroyed, and lands are being clogged with explosive shells.

Much attention is paid to studying ways to improve the training of future professionals in the field of ecology. Among such ways are: improving programs in academic disciplines by introducing environmental issues into their content. This contributes to better training of specialists with a high level of environmental culture. The incentive for this is to increase the requirements for professional training of future specialists in environmental issues. The concepts of «culture» and «ecological culture« are defined, which are decisive in the research process. It is shown that the state of ecology largely depends on the ecological culture of the individual, which is its integrated property. It consists of a system of knowledge, practical skills, beliefs and mastered norms of interaction with the environment. Three approaches to understanding culture were identified: dynamic-procedural, systemic and axiological. Based on them, the features of ecological culture are considered. It consists of the following elements: a system of knowledge, practical skills, beliefs and mastered norms of interaction with the environment; environmental law; environmental education. Environmental education is determined as a continuous process of education aimed at mastering systematic knowledge about the environment, skills and abilities of environmental protection, and the formation of a general ecological culture.

The main principles of environmental education are selected: interdisciplinary approach in the formation of environmental culture, systematic and continuous study of environmental material; the unity of intellectual and emotional-volitional foundations in the activities of students to study and improve the environment, the relationship of global, national and local history of environmental issues in the educational process.


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Author Biographies

Nataliia Fihol, Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets, Kremenets, Ukraine

Petro Dziuba, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Marianna Horvat, Mukachevo State University

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine

Oksana Shkvyr, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Nadiia Ostrovska, Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Separated subdivision of NULESU «Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute», Berezhany, Ukraine

Nadiia Bryzhak, Mukachevo State University

Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Fihol, N., Dziuba, P., Horvat, M., Shkvyr, O., Ostrovska, N., & Bryzhak, N. (2022). THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF FORMATION OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Pedagogy and Education Management Review, (2), 21–28.

