


ecological competence, future biology teachers, structure, the components of the ecological competence, functions of the ecological competence


We analyzed the approaches to defining the structural components of the ecological competence of the future biology teachers. It was found out that the separation of a single conglomerate, which includes cognitive, motivational-value and activity components are common in the interpretation of the structure of the analyzed competence. The rest of the components regarding the name and sence varies depending on the context of the scientists' consideration of the problem, author's vision of the research concept, etc. Ecological competence of the future pedagogs is defined as the ability to realize the own potential in active and responsible way (knowledge of ecology, skills, experience) for successful professional activity in the spheres of ecological education and upbringing of the pupils; to acknowledge the own role and the responsibility in renewal, reserving the environment, “greening” the consciousness of the pupils; to perform ecologically efficient activity, to solve ecological tasks practically in the professional and household spheres according to the principles of the stated development gained ecological values, motives of interaction with nature, beliefs, ideals, etc. Ecological competence is considered as an integration formation, where each component is in mutual unity, conditionality with others has its own functional value. We reasoned the defining of the ecological competence functions of the students of the pedagogical specialties: coevolutionary-biosphere, educational, practical-regulatory, activity-normative, professional-orientation. We defined the structural components of the future biology teachers' ecological competence: knowledge-content, motivational-valuable, activity-technological, professionally-reflexive. The content, functions, interconnections of each component of the ecological competence were outlined. It was emphasized on the importance to take into account all the functional senses, interconnections of its structural constructs while the formation of mentioned personal quality. Underestimation of any component is going to influence the efficiency and the end result
of the whole process.


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Author Biography

Maryna Khrolenko, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and methodics of teaching natural sciences Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine


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