social and professional mobility, student, professional training, educational environment, project, project activity, social projectAbstract
Modern university graduates must be prepared for the changing tendencies in the labor market in order to be successful. The article gives an interpretation of the concepts of «social and professional mobility of students», «development of social and professional mobility». Science and technologies develop so rapidly that qualification received after graduating from a higher education establishment is not a guarantee of employment in this field. The article describes abilities and personal qualities (initiative, creativity, social and professional activity, ability for risk, self-organization, independence, volitional self-control, determination, self-confidence, openness to something new) which create the student's social and professional mobility. Modern challenges require the search for new effective educational technologies. That’s why much attention is paid to rethinking the organization and content of the educational process of higher school on the basis of innovative technologies. Project activities let students to form and develop skills which are necessary for the development of social and professional mobility including: identifying the problem that must be solved; setting the goals and planning the main kinds of activities; reflections; searching for information; communication and interaction; practical application of knowledge in typical and atypical situations; presentation of the results of their activities. It is determined that the participation of students in social projects, on the one hand, is a condition for the development of their social and professional mobility, and on the other hand, is an indicator of its maturity, understanding that everyone is responsible for their city, state, people and it is impossible to build the life beyond the society. There are the examples of social projects in the article.
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