development, information culture, personality, self-actualization, valuesAbstract
Formation of personality self-actualization and information culture considered through the value context in the article. Based on the analysis of scientific literature it has been substantiated the formation of the information culture of the personality becomes one of the main tasks of social institutions of society, and the purpose of its formation is the socialization and acculturation of person in the new conditions of existence, which irretrievably change following the rapid development of information and communication technologies and based on their application all human spaces existence and activities. It has been concluded that the need for self-actualization self-develops along with the expansion of human knowledge about the world and about oneself, with the growth of subjective capabilities and the complexity of the tasks faced. The interdevelopmental relationship between the individual and society is achieved not only by overcoming negative and using positive individual assets, but due to the fact that society develops such individual characteristics that are due to social expectations, antipodes, values and only in harmony with them provide a high level of professional activity. It has been analyzed that as a product of the development of the information society, information culture is a broader concept than anthropogenic culture and includes all its main characteristics that do not contradict civilization development. At the same time there are new components serving informational culture patterns, which are characteristic only for the information society, which has been formed in general, and its information and communication technologies. It has been explained that in certain aspects the problem of self-actualization of the individual involves the development of tools and conditions that stimulate the processes of self-knowledge, goal-setting, designing prospects for individual life. The reason for self-actualization has been view as the need to reconcile the inner intentions of human and the conditions in which one lives.
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