digitalization, pedagogical excellence, psychological and pedagogical disciplinesAbstract
The present academic paper is devoted to studying the pedagogical excellence of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the era of digitalization. The relevance of the research is confirmed by modern tendencies in the development of educational technologies adapted to the conditions of quarantine restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The academic paper explores the methodological literature determining the features of the formation of teachers’ pedagogical excellence, as well as the basic requirements for teaching pedagogical and psychological disciplines and the main trends of digitalization in the field of education are investigated. Based on the results of the analysis conducted using scientific methods of cognition of induction and deduction, theoretical aspects and practical recommendations for the formation of pedagogical excellence of a teacher of psychological and pedagogical disciplines have been determined. Features of applying digital technologies for all types of training have been defined, including as follows: lecture materials, seminars, individual and group work, independent work and assessment.
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