competence, ecological competence, program learning outcomes, educational program, future biology teachersAbstract
The article is dedicated to the problem of the ecological competence formation of the future biology teachers during professional training. Ecological competence formation of the future biology teachers is considered as a competence approach in a synergistic combination with systematic, personally oriented, activities, axiological, technological, contextual, reflexive and co-evolutionary-noosphere methodological approaches. On the analysis basic of the educational programs of higher education establishments of Ukraine we found out the current state of the students' ecological competence formation on the first level (Bachelor's degree) of the subject specialty 014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health).
Among a great number of general competencies, we will highlight the ones that the future ecologically competent biology teacher should master. Professional competencies of educational and professional programs of higher education establishments of Ukraine that train future biology teachers have been analyzed through the prism of the structural components of ecological competence such as: cognitive, axiological, activity-operational and component of readiness for formation of eco-competence of the pupils. It has been found out that not all the educational and professional programs, on which basis the future biology teachers training is performed, consider ecological competence as professional. Some EPPs present only certain structural components of eco-competence. In particular, the axiological component of ecological competence, aimed at the formation and development of needs, interests, motives, values of interaction of the students with the environment, is not reflected separately in the professional abilities of educational and professional programs of higher education institutions of Ukraine.
In this article we clarified the abilities that provide for the formation of the structural components of ecological competence, educational and professional programs of Bachelor's degree. We paid attention to the formulation of ecological competency as professional that joins all its components.
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