primary school teacher, professional training, readiness of future elementary school teachers, pedagogical interaction, partnership, partnership pedagogy, educational process participantsAbstract
The article studies the problem on forming the readiness of the future elementary school teachers to interact with participants in the educational process on the basis of partnership pedagogy in psychological and pedagogical science and modern educational practice. Participants during the interaction in the educational process are: teachers, students and their parents, educational managers, psychologists, social educators, as well as health professionals and others.
The pedagogy of partnership is grounded as a factor of effective interaction between participants of educational process and is opened as the certain system of mutual relations of all participants in educational process (teachers, pupils, parents, educational managers, etc.), which is based on principles: voluntariness, equality, democracy, respect to the person concerning the outlined norms (rules, requirements, responsibilities), each party values and provides for active cooperation in the common educational tasks implementation under each responsibility for the obtained results.
The essential, structural and semantic analysis of the concept «readiness of the future elementary school teachers to interact with the educational process participants» was carried out. The components of students' readiness as future teachers are defined as motivational, cognitive, operational and personal. The readiness levels of future primary school teachers to interact with the participants of the educational process on the basis of partnership pedagogy include: low (intuitive), medium (reproductive), sufficient (productive) and high (creative). The summative research results of the formation state of the future primary school teachers’ readiness to implement the ideas of partnership pedagogy in cooperation with participants in the educational process are presented.
The formation model of the future elementary school teachers’ readiness for interaction with participants of educational process on the partnership pedagogy basis is theoretically substantiated. The paper describes the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of this model, which include: creating a favourable educational environment for the formation of motives and focus on partnership in the pedagogical process; the content optimization of educational programs on mastering the essence, principles and ways of organizing cooperation on the partnership pedagogy basis; organization in the process of professional training of future teachers interaction in the system «teacher-student» as a model of effective interaction of participants in the educational process; the use of learner-centred technologies aimed at mastering the forms and methods of organizing partnerships; the students involvement into the partnerships implementation in the school educational environment during various types of practical training.
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