culture, professional culture, spiritual culture, author’s ability, future teacher of music artAbstract
Nowadays accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress requires competent professionals in a high sense of this word, with a formed worldview, views, beliefs, imagination, thinking, able to reveal and realize their spiritual and creative potential in professional activities, that is with a high level of culture. The analysis of scientific works on the researched problem allowed to define the professional culture of the future teacher of music as a complex integrated professional personal quality, which characterizes the future specialist as highly educated, creatively competent, able to realize the importance of cultural values in spiritual and creative development of the personality, capable of self-creation, self-expression and self-realization in professional activities and socio-cultural space. Art as a sphere of spiritual culture integrates the unique meanings of humanity, gives the lessons of humanity, penetrates into the most mysterious corners of the human soul, enriches the spiritual world of a man, forms personal qualities, causes the need and the ability to create. Therefore, the defining problem of artistic education, in particular, musical and pedagogical, is the formation of a professional culture of future teachers who can establish a humanistic style of communication, organize a joint search for values and norms of behavior, to spiritually and practically comprehend and transform humanistic functions of art directed at development creative personality, its value relation to the phenomena of culture, to oneself, to society as a whole.
In the formation of professional culture of the future teacher of music a special importance is the involvement of future teachers of music in creative and performing activities, the essence of which is to solve pedagogical problems through “composition”, the art of their own creation, the ability of future teachers of music to authorship, to express their inimitable uniqueness in their own work. Authorial ability as a criterion for the formation of professional culture of future teachers of music is characterized by the ability of future professionals to reproduce the musical image in various forms of artistic thinking, provides the future teacher’s ability to be the author of own life and professional activity.
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