future Marine officers, methodological guidelines, mentoring, organization, conducting, workshopAbstract
The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate methodological guidelines to scientific and pedagogical staff of the Military Academy (Odesa) on the organization and carrying out of workshops with future Marine officers in the context of formation of readiness of the specified category of servicemen for mentoring.
Methods of research: use of analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, regulatory legal documents, curricula and educational programmes, as well as expert evaluation.The results obtained: the research found that in the system of forming a positive attitude of future Marine officers to mentoring, their expertise of the conceptual apparatus and system of theoretical knowledge about mentoring, its variability and peculiarities of implementation in the military staff, communication and organizational skills development, as well as the ability to reorient the purpose and content of mentoring to specific service tasks, which are determined by the conditions of military service of marine units, the interests of the mentees an important component is organization and conduction of appropriate training.
Practical use: based on the results of scientific research, specific advice was developed for scientific and pedagogical staff of the Military Academy (Odesa) on organizing and conducting workshops with future Marine officers in the context of forming the readiness of this category of servicemen for mentoring (as part of the special course programme “Fundamentals of Mentoring in Marine Units” designed for cadets of the faculty of training specialists of airborne assault troops).
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