students’ independent work, types and methods, geography lesson, effectiveness of methods, organization of students’ independent work in geography lessons, tasks for independent workAbstract
The article reveals the essence of concepts «independent work» and «independent activity», their common and distinctive features, the peculiarities of the organization of students’ independent work in geography lessons; using this teaching method to form students’ geographical picture of the world; the role of students’ independent work in the process of developing their desire to self-deepening geography knowledge, their ability to creatively search, the activation of independent creative cognitive activity, deepening cognitive interest, educational and cognitive motivation, development of students’ educational competencies.
The author substantiates the expediency of using independent work at elementary school geography courses, reveals its educational and developing value. The types and methods of students’ independent work, its role in the formation of students’ critical thinking, creative abilities, skills and abilities working with the map and other sources of geographical information are characterized in the article. Approaches to the classification of students’ independent work are studied, the interrelation of class and home independent work is considered. Various types of students’ independent work in geography lessons are analyzed to evaluate their effectiveness. The structure of implementation and methods of task development of students’ independent work and the system of their complication are revealed. Examples of tasks of different levels of complexity and degrees of independence are given. The article summarizes the results of the research conducted by the author about the evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods of students’ independent work in geography lessons. The reasons of the efficiency of the investigated methods are revealed.
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