Aviation, specialist, foreign language, training, vocational studyingAbstract
The pedagogical process is constantly enriched with new ways of operating the received information, a creative approach to solving science issues with an emphasis on the individualization of educational programs. This applies to the aviation industry as well. In their professional activity pilots do not have complete information about the people with whom they communicate. Unforeseen air situations often occur, and the pilot does not have accurate information about who he is communicating with, who is controlling the air traffic, and what his further actions and decisions are related to. In extreme situations, when time is counted in seconds, knowledge of technical terms and concepts in English allows you to correctly report an obvious or emergency situation, to make a timely and correct decision. The main trends in the improvement of educational technologies are characterized by the transition from the focus on the average student to individualized training programs. In such conditions, the teacher, who performs the function of a «technologist» of the educational process, needs to use innovative technologies, ideas, directions.
The article describes the methods of teaching students who study in higher aviation educational institutions. The specifics of teaching subjects in English are determined in accordance with learning strategies. English, chosen as the main means of teaching students, causes changes in the methodological support of the educational process. In view of this, it is appropriate to add that the specifics of the organization in relation to the learning process in a multicultural environment should be taken into account. In this regard, we analyze some conceptual methods that help increase the level of methodological support for training and the quality of vocational training.
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