professional education, augmented reality, gamification, technological culture, semiotic culture, communicative cultureAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of distance learning. The factors, which influence the information environment, have been given. The newest technologies and methods used in distance learning are considered. The main components of information culture, which develop in the conditions of distance learning, have been listed. After the scientific sources analysis, generalization of native and foreign experience of the organization of distance education in higher educational establishments, the theoretical basis of organization of the remote education for the are stated. Pedagogical conditions of the organization of the distance education for the students of the pedagogical university are determined and checked in practice. Addressing them is relevant and important psycho- ducational problems, the solution is able to improve the efficiency of the educational process. The features of the impact of distance education on the individual as a member of academic cooperation. It was concluded that distance education is the most promising direction of development of education in general, especially the modernization of educational technology contents and professional education is a huge psychological - pedagogical potential.
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