Social partnership, training, competitiveness, employment, career growthAbstract
This article shows the long-term experience of social partnership of Nikopol Vocational College of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine with basic enterprises of Nikopol region as an important tool for improving student training, provides organizational characteristics of social partnership. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of research on the training of university students on the basis of social partnership as a pedagogical problem, an experimental test of the management of the training system of students in accordance with modern requirements of employers. The article presents an analysis of a number of theoretical works of national scientists devoted to the study of the problem of social partnership in universities of I-II level of accreditation with basic enterprises. Particular attention is paid to the basic pedagogical conditions, the readiness of students for training, in order to implement their best knowledge successfully and qualities on the basis of social partnership. The analysis of scientific works revealed the following weaknesses: at the level of universities: insufficient material and technical base; insufficient response to changes in demand for graduates; staff low salaries; at the level of the higher education system as a whole: lack of a unified system (school - college - university); in the system of relations "universities - employers": low level of personnel services of enterprises, unresolved issues of retraining. Areas of adjustment of professional training, based on social partnership, which promote professional self-realization and career growth of university graduates have been identified.
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