Distance learning, distance interactive learning SCORM, MOODLE, Internet technologiesAbstract
Distance learning is a way of obtaining education using computer and modern information technologies, which allows students to study at a distance. Informatization of the educational process and the latest information and communication technologies, provided they are fully used and introduced into the educational process, radically change the course of society. In the process of distance learning distance courses are used - information products that are sufficient for learning in certain disciplines.
One of the priority areas of the modernization program of secondary and higher schools is distance learning. In modern conditions, there is a need for higher education by distance, which is caused by the need to study full-time, educated by people with disabilities and those who are abroad or in prison. This opportunity is provided by distance learning, which is carried out through information and educational technologies and communication systems.
Distance learning has a number of undeniable advantages. In particular, a higher education applicant can study at a time convenient to him, in a familiar environment and at a relatively autonomous pace. The lower cost of such training should also be taken into account, as there is no need to rent premises, pay a significant number of staff and save time.
In the case of distance learning, the active role of the teacher is not reduced, as he must determine the level of knowledge of the applicant, and decide to adjust the curriculum in order to achieve the best mastery of the material. If necessary, the student can get advice from the teacher, communicating with him online, directly using the Internet as a means of communication (web-chat, IRC, ICQ, interactive TV, web-telephony, Telnet). The MOODLE system is successfully used for successful distance learning.
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