labor education, preschool children, organization, analysis, formationAbstract
Innovative processes in Ukraine, the development of a new school and education need the comprehension of the native pedagogical thought of the previous periods. The teachers’ ideas about the labor education of preschool children are of significant interest. These ideas take their origins from the time of antiquity. The works of teachers, doctors, psychologists, the formation of the theory of preschool education, the launch of the first public and private kindergartens have actualized the problem of the labor education of children in order to prepare them for life and work.
Issues of organization of labor education of the younger generation in general, and preschool children in particular are very relevant for the current stage of development of society. The creation of a new school requires a understanding of domestic pedagogical thought of previous periods. Of considerable interest in this context are the ideas and works of prominent teachers of the past on the labor education of preschool children. However, the results of the analysis of the sources show that the ideas of the representatives of the national pedagogical thought regarding the organization of the labor education of preschool children in the historical retrospective have not been comprehensively and systematically studied.This article considers the organization of labor education of preschool children from the times of Kievan Rus to the beginning of the XXth century. It is proved that the formation of issues of labor education of preschool children in different historical periods contributed to: the work of prominent domestic teachers, who emphasized that the labor education of preschoolers should be organized without coercion, be individual in nature, provided recommendations for acquaintance of preschool children with the work of adults, involving them in the possible participation in work. The work of clubs and playgrounds (performance of physical activity, including agricultural, nature observation, organization of hikes and excursions, which in turn contributed to the formation of children's diligence and respect for work), the organization of pedagogical museums, summer children's " colonies ", holding the Kyiv Society of Folk Kindergartens exhibitions" Preschool Education "and" Child Labor ", organization of the store" Preschool Education", as well as lectures on parenting, mass production of domestic pedagogical literature, publishing pedagogical magazines" Kindergarten", "Bulletin of Education", "Education and Training", "Free Education" and some others. Scientific and pedagogical sources are analyzed, which testify to the important role of pedagogical societies in the formation of labor education of preschool children.
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